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Veolia Pink Stumps Day 2018 (in collaboration with Glenelg Cricket Club)
Veolia is firmly committed to supporting the communities where we work and where our employees reside. We form partnerships within the community to address the community’s demands for more sustainable outcomes.
A number of Veolia staff and their families have been affected by breast cancer and we wanted to show our support. We have donated generously to the McGrath Foundation and launched a hot pink truck with the hope to create conversation and draw attention to this important cause.
Please support our efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support.
Your donation allows the McGrath Foundation fund specialist Breast Care Nurses wherever they are needed and helps make breast help understanding a priority.;
$11 - Helps someone attend a support group.
$145- Provides support from a McGrath Breast Care Nurse at the time of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
$440 - Provides the support of a McGrath Breast Care Nurse through chemotherapy treatment.
$1,062 - Funds a McGrath Breast Care Nurse to support a family during their breast cancer experience
$130,000 - Funds a McGrath Breast Care Nurse for one year.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to the McGrath Foundation.
Thanks so much for your support!
Veolia Pink Stumps Day 2018 (in collaboration with Glenelg Cricket Club)

McGrath Foundation
The McGrath Foundation raises money to fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses right across Australia and invest in their professional development to ensure people with breast cancer receive the highest standard of care.McGrath Breast Care Nurses are registered nurses specially trained to manage the care of people with breast cancer from diagnosis and throughout treatment.The Foundation currently funds 233 nurses who provide essential support for families by offering medical expertise, clinical care, and psychosocial support from the time of diagnosis and throughout treatment - for free and without a referral.Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer for women in Australia and more than 20,000 people are diagnosed each year. With a rising rate of diagnosis, the need for more McGrath Breast Care Nurses continues to grow.Funding from the community helps ensure our nurses can continue providing free support to families impacted by breast cancer right across Australia. Visit www.mcgrathfoundation.com.au to find out more.
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